Sphere standards shelter pdf

Generally, a sector specialist covers shelter and settlement needs assessment, analysis and site planning during the first phase of an emergency response. The right to life with dignity the sphere project or sphere was initiated in 1997 by a group of humani. Nationalcultural standards for shelter type of shelter. Its aim was to improve the quality of their humanitarian responses and to be accountable for their actions. It is the result of an intense yearlong mobilisation of human itarian actors around the globe and reflects two decades of experience using the standards in frontline operations, policy development and advocacy to uphold. Individuals and agency staff working in the sector would also benefit from learning skills of applying sphere standards in practice to inform their ongoing and emergent projects and to plan sphere. Minimum interagency standards for protection mainstreaming. Standards have been developed to guide the implementation of interventions in these areas. Minimum standards in shelter, settlement and nonfood items 239. Founded in 1997, sphere is one of the earliest initiatives aiming to improve the quality and accountability of the humanitarian sector. Applying sphere standards to these demographic data also illustrate the inadequacy of the standards to informal settlements. The sphere handbook is the oldest initiative in the field of humanitarian standards. The fundamental similarity in approach between the chs and the sphere core standards is not a coincidence, as the latter were already developed with a view to promoting coherence with other existing humanitarian standards.

The application of sphere standards in camp design a. The minimum standards in this chapter are not a full expression of the right to housing. Minimum standards in shelter, settlement and nonfood items. The sphere handbook in action elearning course aims to strengthen the effective use of the sphere handbook, humanitarian charter and minimum standards in humanitarian response.

All possible steps should be taken to alleviate human suffering arising out of calamity and conflict. It has been fieldtested over twenty years and regularly updated to ensure it remains fit for purpose in a changing world. As the shelter, settlement and nonfood item standards and actions are implemented, a vulnerability and capacity analysis should be performed as it helps to ensure that the response effort supports those who have a right to assistance in a nondiscriminatory manner and who need it most. The sphere minimum standards for shelter and settlement are a practical. Sphere standards in humanitarian practice 2630 december 2019pune, india this 5day course helps to build a good understanding of the rationale, structure and content of the sphere standards, and provides clear understanding on the minimum standards, indicators and key nutrition, health and, shelter and settlements. Introduction international federation of red cross and red crescent societies the ifrc shelter kit vii 1 booklet overview this booklet describes what an international federation of red cross and red. Practical guide to the systematic use of standards. It comprises the humanitarian charter, the protection principles, the core humanitarian standard, and minimum humanitarian standards in four vital areas of response.

When used well, it can lead to better programming, and as a basis for training in humanitarian shelter provision. Although there are no specific standards on vawg within the sphere standards, each standard recognizes that sexual violence programming and gender are crosscutting issues. The importance of shelter,settlementand nonfood items in disasters. Water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion wash food security and nutrition. However, the sphere standards reflect the core content of the right to water and contribute to the progressive realisation of this right globally. The minimum sectoral data presented in these guidance notes are based on the standards and units of measurement set by the unhcr handbook for emergencies, third edition, and the sphere project humanitarian charter and minimum standards in humanitarian response, 2011 edition. The sphere projecthandbook20111 pdf in english sphere chap. The minimum standards in this chapter are not a full expression of the right to water. A plan for distribution management, task allocation to various teams, flow management, recording, and security will also need to. The sphere philosophy is based on two core beliefs. The sphere shelter, settlement and nonfood items standards shelter and settlement standard 1. The shelters provided to persons in the aftermath of a disaster must meet good quality standards in order to last for a number of years, offering persons affected a safe, secure, healthy and digni.

Humanitarian standards in urban, postdisaster contexts. Because it is not owned by any one organization, the sphere handbook enjoys broad acceptance by the humanitarian sector as a whole. This includes the sphere handbook to learn the humanitarian charter and minimum standards for humanitarian response. Esnfi cluster afghanistan technical standards 2015. The sphere handbook is sphere s flagship publication. The sphere handbook is an internationally recognized set of common principles and universal minimum standards for humanitarian response. These are qualitative in nature and specify the minimum levels to be. Standards contribute to an operational framework for accountability in disaster assistance efforts.

The right to life with dignity the sphere project or sphere was initiated in 1997 by a group of humanitarian. Korogocho falls well below the sphere recommended shelter standard for the population density of 45 m 2 person with 21. The sphere handbook is marking its 20th anniversary with the publication of this fourth edition. The sphere handbook is one of the most widely known and internationally recognized sets of common principles and universal minimum standards for the delivery of quality humanitarian response. Sphere standards in humanitarian practice reliefweb. It is with pleasure that i present the second edition of the practical guide to the systematic use of standards and indicators in unhcr operations.

Shelter interventions should always include the provision of latrines in coordination with wash cluster and according its standards unless other jointcoordinated projects will be providing this assistance. Sphere a global community committed to humanitarian. However, the sphere standards reflect the core content of the right to health and contribute to the progressive realisation of this right globally. Often a reception or transit centre is necessary for temporary accommodation at the beginning of a refugee crisis. What does not change is its rightsbased foundations. Two core humanitarian values guide the sphere project. It is the result of an intense yearlong mobilisation of human itarian actors around the globe and reflects two decades of experience using the standards in frontline operations, policy development and advocacy to.

Sphere minimum standards and indicators for humanitarian. Refer to entry on transit center standards for more information on these. Taken together, the humanitarian charter and the minimum standards contribute to an operational framework for accountability in disaster assistance efforts. Strategic planning shelter and settlement strategies contribute to the security, safety, health and wellbeing of both displaced and nondisplaced affected populations and promote recovery and reconstruction where possible. The sphere community sets standards for humanitarian action and promotes quality and accountability.

Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in disaster response. Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in disaster. An nfi distribution team should be identified for each location and should include a distribution officer, beneficiary leaders, and volunteers. Disasterready offers more than 600 free online courses from top ngos on all aspects of humanitarian relief and development. Key dilemmas and challenges for those involved in the shelter sector are described, based on issues that emerged from the extensive global consultative process undertaken to inform the revision of the sphere handbook. These standards are documented in the sphere handbook, which we will introduce later. However, the sphere standards reflect the core content of the right to housing and contribute to the progressive realisation of this right globally. The range of perspectives on the major themes is presented, with suggestions as to how these issues could be progressed. Shelter interventions should be sustainable and whenever possible include. Minimum interagency standards for protection mainstreaming published world vision, 2012. The sphere handbook standards for quality humanitarian. Site planning, shelter design and construction management lisa dubin international rescue committee. New standards have also been developed, informed by recent practice and learning, such as wash and healthcare settings in disease outbreaks, security of tenure in shelter.

These include shelter, site planning, food items, nonfood items, and water and sanitation. This process led to the publication of the first sphere handbook in 2000. The initial chapter on common standards sets out guidelines for programme design and implementation, which. These include, among others, the sphere project, the good humanitarian. Today, the sphere standards are the most widely recognized humanitarian standards across the globe. The application of sphere standards in camp design a simulationnotes for facilitators 1. The sphere project, now known as sphere, was created in 1997 by a group of humanitarian nongovernmental organisations and the red cross and red crescent movement. The results were published in a handbook in january 2000. It is useful at this point to remind the participants that although this is a very useful tool, it is still far from perfect, and previous sphere editions and many other sources of information on emergency shelter have had a fairly strong bias towards refugee camps. The sphere training package 2018 edition is an essential companion not only for seasoned sphere trainers, but also for less experienced workshop leaders and even selflearners. Field guidelines for best practices in shelter response. In particular, the hap 2010 standard benchmarks and the sphere core standards already contained complementary requirements. Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in humanitarian response, third edition 2011 p206. Shelter and settlement responses aim to provide a safe living environment.